Sunday, November 20, 2016


I could eat spaghetti just about everyday. Pasta is one of my favorite foods but before I went vegan I always had to eat it in moderation or just not eat it all because as a meat eater you are taught to believe carbs are the devil. I would literally eat a big greasy beef patty w cheese, bacon, and mayo, but cut out the bun bc that would make me fat lol. Once I switched over to a high carb low fat vegan diet I never thought twice about eating carbs and trust me they will not make you fat! Pasta, rice, potatoes etc. are all naturally fat free foods. Carbs don't make you fat, fat makes you fat!

1 pack of spaghetti
2 jars of spaghetti sauce
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 onion
1 pack of mushrooms
2 tomatoes
1 pack of meatless crumbles (optional)
salt and pepper
Italian seasonings

1. Boil pasta and set aside
2. Add 1 cup of water to a large pot and turn heat to medium high setting
3. Dice peppers and onions and add to the water with salt and pepper
4. Let everything steam with a lid for about 10 minutes
5. Add mushrooms and diced tomatoes and steam for another few minutes
6. Add spaghetti sauce and mix thoroughly
7. Mix in meat crumbles and allow them to cook through
8. Add garlic, Italian seasonings and stir
8. You can add the noodles to the sauce or serve the noodles and then top with sauce!

As you see this recipe is very simple. Not too much different than traditional spaghetti with meat. I think the idea of vegan food sounds a lot more complicating to most people than it has to be. Just about any of your favorite dishes you can veganize simply by removing the meat and the dairy. In 2016 there are several different brands of vegan meats and vegan cheeses you can choose from or you can always skip the processed foods completely and just get straight to the point with veggies. Don't overthink it, play around with different types of vegetables and personalize the spaghetti to your liking just as you would traditional spaghetti. There is no wrong way to do this!
*Peace begins with your plate*

Sunday, November 13, 2016

My experience oil pulling

Oil pulling is an oral care practice that has been around for more than 3000 years. It began as an ancient Ayurveda gargling treatment with sesame or sunflower oil. It was used to remove toxins, treat inflammation of mouth, dryness, or any other oral diseases one may have. Oil Pulling was reintroduced to modern medicine in the early 90's, since then several testimonies of the benefits of oil pulling have been told. Your dentist may frown on it because it will put him out of thousands of dollars but your pockets and your mouth will thank you.

I got interested in oil pulling after reading all the diseases it cures and all the extra health benefits that come with it. It seems as though every time I go to the dentist even with insurance I end up with thousands of dollars of work that I needed done. I wanted to figure out how to maintain a healthy mouth without having to go through all the pain, money, and fluoride that comes with a standard trip to the dentist. At the end of the day a dentist is about his coins so him referring you to a natural method of curing disease is just about as likely as a doctor recommending a vegan diet lol. Not gonna happen! Since I have been oil pulling I have had great results its been about 3 weeks and I have for one noticed my smile is whiter but most importantly the tooth that I'm scheduled to have a root canal on is no longer bothering me. Before I had slight sensitivity to cold or hot foods on it but that has completely disappeared. I plan to continue oil pulling for a few more weeks then go to another dentist for a second opinion and if they say I still need a root canal I will bite the bullet and do it. I have read several stories of root canals being no longer needed after oil pulling so I'm optimistic that I could be one of those stories.  The reason I am wanting to avoid a root canal is because that comes with hidden risks as well. Root canaled and filled teeth harbor bacteria that morph into toxic forms that spread into other tissues in the body and cause serious medical conditions, including diseases of your heart, brain, kidneys, and bones. The health of our mouth effects our entire body. Lately I am more conscious of what I put in my body and I prefer to keep it clean, and natural.

Benefits of oil pulling
-cures halitosis
-prevents disease of gums and mouth
-supports normal kidney and liver function
-alleviates asthma and congestion
-clearer mind
-regulates menstrual cycle
-better sleep
-cures bleeding gums
-relieves hangovers
-whitens teeth
-increases energy
-detoxes the body
-aids hormonal changes
-reduce headaches
-clears skin

How to oil pull
The best time to oil pull is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Spoon a tablespoon of organic, cold pressed vegetable oil (I use coconut) into your mouth and swish it around for 15 to 20 minutes before spitting it out. Never swallow the oil because it is full of toxins. Spit the oil in the trash because it will clog the sink. Rinse your mouth with warm water than brush with a fluoride free toothpaste.

Oil Pulling is such a simple process. We live in a society where we constantly over think and over complicate our lives. Nature provides a cure for everything but we are so disconnected from nature these days that we look right past it. I am loving the results that I have gotten since I started oil pulling. Of course if you have something really serious going on in your mouth you need to go to the dentist to figure out what it is and if its something oil pulling can relieve. Give oil pulling a try and I promise you will have nothing but good come from it!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Raw Fiesta salad

 I just got back from vacation where I ate nothing but processed vegan foods, don't judge me lol. Whenever I feel like I need to get back on track I go raw or strictly whole foods for at least a couple of days to get my body back on track. This recipe is inspired by my favorite raw vegan Fullyrawkristina. She has inspired me to incorporate more raw fruit and veggies into my diet and I promise you that your body will thank you! I don't think I could ever go fully raw like her but I do believe a mostly raw diet is the best choice for optimal health.

5 ears of sweet corn
2 cucumbers
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 onion
2 tomatoes
juice of 1 lemon
salt and pepper
cayenne pepper

1.  Cut corn off the cob and place into a large mixing bowl
2. Dice up the rest of the veggies and place into large mixing bowl with corn
3. Add salt, pepper, garlic, and juice of 1 lemon
4. Mix thoroughly
5. Place in fridge until ready to serve!

This salad is great for those who are trying to incorporate more raw foods into their diet but have a hard time creating dishes that will excite them.  Sometimes just eating raw veggies and smoothies gets boring so this dish is great for those looking to spice it up!

Pesto Pasta

 This dish is creamy perfection. If you are craving a hearty pasta dish this is one of the many vegan options you have to choose from. Its very filling and I guarantee if you serve it to non vegans they will have no idea this meal is dairy free, but if they have a nut allergy they will definitely want to pass on this dish!
2 cups of pine nuts
2 handfuls of fresh basil
2 cups of almond milk
1/2 cup of nutritional yeast
salt and pepper
1 pack of pasta of choice I used fettucini
Cherry tomatoes
crushed red pepper flakes
1. Boil pasta and set to the side
2. In a high speed blender add pine nuts, basil, nutritional yeast, oregano, salt, pepper, garlic, and almond milk and blend on high. Adjust milk as necessary.
3. Grab a large sauce pan and cover just the bottom with water and put on medium high heat
4. Chop broccoli, and add to the pan to steam for a few minutes until water evaporates.
5. Add cherry tomatoes and mushrooms with salt and pepper and saute all the veggies together for about 5 minutes
6. Put noodles in a large pot, add pesto, and sautéed veggies and mix together.
7.  Top w red pepper flakes. Serve and Enjoy!

I usually prepare this meal with garlic bread or a salad on the side. If you want to take an extra step you can bake the dish in the oven with some vegan parmesan or mozzarella cheese on top. Try this recipe out and let me know how you like it by tagging me on Instagram @veganhigh.
~Peace begins with your plate~

Meatless bbq pulled pork

There are so many things you can do with this vegan version of a pulled pork sandwich. This meal is guilt free because were working with whole food ingredients so feel free to splurge by eating this with some vegan mac and cheese or French fries!

2 cups of shredded carrots
2 cups of cooked lentils
1/2 onion
1 cup of mushrooms
1 bell pepper
Barbecue sauce
salt and pepper
seasonings of choice

1. Cook lentils in a large sauce pan
2. The last few minutes before the lentils are done mix in shredded carrots 
3. Dice bell pepper, onions, and mushroom and mix in with the lentils
4. Add salt, pepper, and garlic
5. Mix in bbq sauce and any other seasonings of choice and reduce heat
6. Toast bread and top with carrot and lentil mix

Another meal I have created out of the dish is Nachos. Here I added some refried beans, onion, and jalapeno. I have also eaten it in a wrap. If you want to go all out you can add either my cashew or potato based vegan cheese and really satisfy you taste buds!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Tropical Smoothie Bowl

If you want something sweet and tropical this smoothie bowl is loaded with all the right fruits to hit the spot!

1/2 of a fresh pineapple
1 banana
1 1/2 cup of mango
1/2 cup of coconut water
1 tbsp. of coconut sugar (optional)
2 kiwis
granola (optional)

1.  Put pineapple, banana, mango, coconut water, and sugar in high speed blender and blend until smooth. You want it kind of thick because it's going into a bowl so if you need it thicker add more banana if you need it a little less thick add more water.
2. Pour ingredients into a bowl
3. Slice kiwi and top off smoothie bowl
4. Add a handful of granola
5. Enjoy!

Smoothie bowls are my favorite breakfast option because they fill you up and you can get a lot of your fruit intake in this way. You can never eat too much fruit!

Energizing Chocolate Smoothie

This smoothie is a go to if your craving chocolate. Its a great start for the day if your in need of a natural energy boost!

10 pitted dates
3tbsp of cacoa powder
1 tbsp. coconut sugar (optional)
1 cup of coconut water

1. Put all of the ingredients in a high speed blender and blend thoroughly.
2. You can make this smoothie as thick or as thin as you want by adjusting the amount of coconut water.
Tip: Sometimes the dates take longer to blend so I will put the blender in fridge for about 15 minutes to allow dates to soften more than blend it up one more time
3. Pour smoothie in glass and grab a straw!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Fried Cauliflower wings

No lie these are better than chicken wings. They are deep fried to perfection and surprisingly cauliflower becomes a very chicken like texture when its cooked certain ways. You can coat them in any sauce your heart desires. They are a great finger food option if you are hosting a party!

1 head of cauliflower
about 2 cups of flour
about 1 cup of water
Salt and pepper
Seasonings of choice
Frying oil

1. Dice cauliflower into chunks comparable size to chicken wings, rinse and dry off
2. Mix flour and water in a bowl until it becomes similar to pancake batter you may have to adjust flour and water measurements
3. Add salt pepper and other seasonings of choice and mix thoroughly.
4. Heat oil up in a large deep pan on medium high heat.
5. Completely coat cauliflower in batter and place into oil.
6. Fry each piece of cauliflower for about 7 to 10 minutes, you may need to rotate the cauliflower to ensure that its fried evenly.
7. Place cauliflower on a plate covered with paper towels to catch all the excess oil.
8. You can eat the cauliflower like this or if you want to spice it up coat it in the sauce of your choice.

 The top picture is cauliflower coated in bbq sauce along side baked beans, collard greens, and potato salad. The bottom picture is cauliflower coated in an orange ginger sauce with vegetable curry.  Look forward to seeing a potato salad recipe as well as vegetable curry. These wings also taste great covered in buffalo sauce! Let me know if you try any of these recipes out on Instagram @veganhigh

Chickpea veggie burgers

(Burgers before the oven)
 If you are wanting to create a thick meaty veggie burger full of whole food ingredients then this is the burger you need to recreate. This by far is the best bean burger recipe I have created!

8 cups of cooked chickpeas or 4 16 oz cans
1 pack of mushrooms
1/2 of bell pepper
1 cup of carrots
2 cups of spinach (optional)
1 onion
1 cup of flour
2 flax eggs (2tbsp of flax mill mixed with 2 tbsp. of water set aside for a few minutes to thicken to egg like consistency)
Salt and pepper
gourmet burger seasoning

1. Place dried off beans in a high speed blender and pulse until they become shredded but not mashed, then scoop into large mixing bowl.
2. Put mushrooms, carrots, onion, bell pepper and spinach into blender and pulse until its all shredded
3. Put shredded veggies into bowl with chickpeas
4. Put flax eggs, flour, salt, pepper, garlic, burger seasoning, and coriander into bowl with chickpeas and veggies.
5. Wash hands thoroughly and hand mix all the ingredients in the bowl together until you can form patties. If its too wet add more flour, if its too dry add another flax egg. The first picture shows what they should look like.
6. Place patties on a lined baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes on each side.
7. Allow patties to cool for about 15 minutes because this is what helps them firm up and keep their shape.
8. Serve and enjoy!

 These burgers are satisfying on bread, in a tortilla, or on a lettuce wrap. They go great with fries pictured are my baked fat free potato wedges that I will show you guys how to create in a upcoming recipe. You can also add black beans or lentils to the mix to be more creative. These burgers are also low in fat so they are a great option when you are craving a guilt free burger and fries!

~Peace begins with your plate~

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Cajun Pasta

Cajun is another one of my favorite styles of food to remake into a vegan version. My mom makes some of the best Cajun dishes that I used to love one being jambalaya. This recipe gives me that same Cajun flavor only over pasta and of course vegan!

1 pack of fields roast Mexican style sausage diced
1 red pepper diced
1 pack of diced mushrooms
1 zucchini
Chopped green onions
1 can of rotel or any brand of sliced tomatoes
2 cups of non dairy milk
1 block of pepperjack daiya (optional)
1 cup of nutritional yeast
Salt and pepper
Cajun seasonings
1 pack of pasta of choice

1. Boil pasta with a dash of salt drain and set to the side
2. Put milk, block of cheese, nutritional yeast, salt, pepper, and garlic in the blender. Blend until queso like consistency, set on the side
3. In a large saute pan cook all the vegetables except green onion, and then add sausage. Season to your liking.
4. In a large baking dish add pasta, veggies, and cheese sauce and mix thoroughly.
5. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes or you can mix it in a pan on the stove and skip baking.
6. Top dish with green onions and enjoy!

This dish will satisfy any Cajun loving meat eaters taste buds you know!

Twice Baked Potato Skins

 Potato skins are the perfect comfort food and the good thing is that as a vegan you can enjoy them without all the cruelty and fat that comes in typical American potato skins. I first saw this recipe on youtube posted by ThatVeganCouple. I tweeked it a little bit for my liking and we ate the entire batch in one night!

Cheese sauce:
2 potatoes for the cheese sauce
1 cup of carrots
2 cups of non dairy milk
1 cup of nutritional yeast
salt and pepper

As many potatoes as you like I cooked 8
1 pack of vegan smart bacon (optional)
1 red pepper
1/2 yellow onion
1 stalk of green onion
1 can of organic corn
2 tbsp. of nutritional yeast
2 tbsp. of bbq sauce
1tbsp of soy sauce
Salt and pepper

1. Bake potatoes at 375 degrees for one hour and let them cool down
2. Slice potatoes in half the long way and scoop out the insides of potato with a spoon and place insides in a large mixing bowl
3. Dice red bell pepper and onion, half of the green onions, and corn and mix in bowl with potatoes
4. Add bbq sauce, soy sauce, garlic, 2 tbsp. of nutritional yeast, salt and pepper to potatoes and mix
5. Stuff the mixture into the empty potato skins and place on baking sheet
6. Slice vegan bacon into tiny strips and put on top of the potato skins
7. Bake at 375 for an additional 30 minutes
8. For the cheese sauce steam 2 potatoes and cup of carrots for about 30 minutes or until tender.
9. Place potatoes and carrots in blender with nutritional yeast, non dairy milk, cumin, salt, and pepper and blend until you have a queso consistency, adjust milk and seasonings as necessary.
10. Remove potato skins from oven and top with cheese mixture and extra green onion.
11. Serve and enjoy!

I recommend you make more than what you think you will eat because these things are extremely addictive. The best thing about them is they are low in fat and if you skip the vegan bacon there is nothing processed about it so you can eat as many as you want!

~Peace begins with your plate~

Chickpea (tuna) salad

 Chickpea salad is a dish that I like to keep in my refrigerator almost at all times because its quick and satisfying. I usually eat it for lunch because there are so many quick ways to serve it up and be out the door. Before I went vegan I used to love tuna salad and this chickpea salad taste just as delicious if not better!
8 cups of cooked chickpeas or 4 16oz cans
3 to 4 tbsp. Veganaise or Just mayo. I prefer Just mayo brand
3 tbsp. of sweet relish
1/2 of a red onion
3 stalks of celery
salt and pepper

1. Rinse and dry off chickpeas then place in blender and pulse until they shred up enough to look like tuna. If you don't have a blender you can mash them with your hands.
2. Dice up red onion and celery to small pieces.
3. Place chickpeas onion and celery in a large mixing bowl.
4. Add vegan mayo and relish and mix thoroughly.
5. Add salt, pepper, and paprika to your liking.
6.  Place in a serving dish and top with more paprika so it looks prettier. LOL

 This dish can be served several ways. I usually put it in a wrap or on some bread for a sandwich. You can mix it with pasta for a pasta salad, or dip different veggies in it. The options are endless!

Vegan Mac and Cheese

 One of the most popular dishes that people miss when they go vegan is macaroni and cheese. The traditional creamy, gooey, goodness is definitely achievable on a vegan lifestyle. Honestly, I'm not a fan of most store bought vegan cheeses, but this blend of ingredients will hit the spot and you can feel good knowing that you're skipping the cow puss and hormones and cruelty from the dairy industry!
2 cups of raw cashews
Unsweetened almond milk
2 cups of butternut squash
1 block of daiya cheddar cheese (optional)
1 cup of nutritional yeast
3 tbs Cumin
Salt and Pepper
Crushed red pepper
1 package of pasta of your choice

1. Soak cashews for a hour and set them to the side
2. Boil pasta drain and set to the side
3. In a high speed blender place cashews about 2 cups of almond milk, butternut squash and blend until you get a cheesy consistency adjusting the milk as necessary.
4. Add nutritional yeast, cumin, paprika, salt and pepper and blend again.
5. Place cheese in a pot and put on the stove over medium heat
6. Dice the block of daiya cheese in small cubes and allow them to melt in the pot with the cheese mix.
7. In a baking dish pour the noodles in first and then pour the sauce all over the noodles and mix together thoroughly.
8. Top with crushed red pepper flakes
9. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees for about 30 minutes
10. Let it cool down for about 10 minutes and then serve!

This dish will not disappoint.  Like always you can adjust your seasonings to what your taste buds prefer. For those with nut allergies or on more of a low fat vegan lifestyle I do have another delicious cheese recipe that I will eventually share with you guys as well. If you try this out let me know how it works you can tag me on Instagram @veganhigh or leave a comment below!