Sunday, November 13, 2016

My experience oil pulling

Oil pulling is an oral care practice that has been around for more than 3000 years. It began as an ancient Ayurveda gargling treatment with sesame or sunflower oil. It was used to remove toxins, treat inflammation of mouth, dryness, or any other oral diseases one may have. Oil Pulling was reintroduced to modern medicine in the early 90's, since then several testimonies of the benefits of oil pulling have been told. Your dentist may frown on it because it will put him out of thousands of dollars but your pockets and your mouth will thank you.

I got interested in oil pulling after reading all the diseases it cures and all the extra health benefits that come with it. It seems as though every time I go to the dentist even with insurance I end up with thousands of dollars of work that I needed done. I wanted to figure out how to maintain a healthy mouth without having to go through all the pain, money, and fluoride that comes with a standard trip to the dentist. At the end of the day a dentist is about his coins so him referring you to a natural method of curing disease is just about as likely as a doctor recommending a vegan diet lol. Not gonna happen! Since I have been oil pulling I have had great results its been about 3 weeks and I have for one noticed my smile is whiter but most importantly the tooth that I'm scheduled to have a root canal on is no longer bothering me. Before I had slight sensitivity to cold or hot foods on it but that has completely disappeared. I plan to continue oil pulling for a few more weeks then go to another dentist for a second opinion and if they say I still need a root canal I will bite the bullet and do it. I have read several stories of root canals being no longer needed after oil pulling so I'm optimistic that I could be one of those stories.  The reason I am wanting to avoid a root canal is because that comes with hidden risks as well. Root canaled and filled teeth harbor bacteria that morph into toxic forms that spread into other tissues in the body and cause serious medical conditions, including diseases of your heart, brain, kidneys, and bones. The health of our mouth effects our entire body. Lately I am more conscious of what I put in my body and I prefer to keep it clean, and natural.

Benefits of oil pulling
-cures halitosis
-prevents disease of gums and mouth
-supports normal kidney and liver function
-alleviates asthma and congestion
-clearer mind
-regulates menstrual cycle
-better sleep
-cures bleeding gums
-relieves hangovers
-whitens teeth
-increases energy
-detoxes the body
-aids hormonal changes
-reduce headaches
-clears skin

How to oil pull
The best time to oil pull is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Spoon a tablespoon of organic, cold pressed vegetable oil (I use coconut) into your mouth and swish it around for 15 to 20 minutes before spitting it out. Never swallow the oil because it is full of toxins. Spit the oil in the trash because it will clog the sink. Rinse your mouth with warm water than brush with a fluoride free toothpaste.

Oil Pulling is such a simple process. We live in a society where we constantly over think and over complicate our lives. Nature provides a cure for everything but we are so disconnected from nature these days that we look right past it. I am loving the results that I have gotten since I started oil pulling. Of course if you have something really serious going on in your mouth you need to go to the dentist to figure out what it is and if its something oil pulling can relieve. Give oil pulling a try and I promise you will have nothing but good come from it!

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