Wednesday, July 12, 2017

12 week Loc Update!

Before the locs

Day 1

Week 3

Week 6

Week 9

Week 12
My Loc Journey <<<<Check out my youtube!

Hey guys! I figured its been a while since I updated my blog with how my locs are doing. I am still in the game and absolutely LOVING it. Today makes 12 weeks and on the 19th I will be exactly 3 months in. You can see from my pictures my hair has gone through some serious changes. Those smooth twist from day 1 are long gone lol.  I still have some 2 strand twist pattern in some areas where my hair is finer but most of the back is disappeared and I have tons of budding everywhere! I have only done 1 retwist and that is pictured in my 3 week mark. I did the retwist because I was being overwhelmed by the frizz and to just be real going from being obsessed with my hair and always having my hand in it to just letting it do its thing I got kind of bored and felt the need to do something so I retwisted.  I almost immediately regretted it because then I got the scalpy look and it thinned my locs out a lot. I am on a semi-free form loc journey which means I will do no retwist or they will be very far and few in between. I am hoping to not have to ever retwist again but I am just going to listen to my hair and do what it tells me to do. For now I just separate them everyday and that's enough to prevent them from all meshing together. I like the look of free form locs but that is not for me at this point in my life. I am loving how simple my life has become since I locked my hair up. All I do is shampoo once or twice a week with Dr. Bronners peppermint shampoo, oil daily w castor or coconut oil, and keep them separated. When I was a loose natural I had so many hair products it was ridiculous. Every week I was rushing to buy some more shea moisture or whatever products I thought I needed to achieve the "perfect" twistout.  I look back and I was doing wayyyy too much.  I couldn't even leave the house without prepping my hair hours in advance.  Knowing that I can now walk out the door in 15 minutes is priceless!

This journey for me is about so much more than just hair.  Everyone is different but for me this journey is about learning and accepting myself in my most raw form. Learning patience, letting go, and trusting the process.  Of course I cant wait for my locs to mature and I know the way it looks physically will make me happy but seeing myself transform week by week, month by month, I learn so much more about myself.  I am more than my hair.  I am more than an image. I have been living a pretty free lifestyle for the past few years and freeing myself from the hours of work and money I put into maintaining my loose natural hair has given me motivation to focus more on other things that I often put on the back burner.  I am putting my energy into things that matter. We live in a world where women are often made to feel like they need things like hair, makeup, clothes, and model type bodies to be complete. When you learn to truly accept yourself with out all the bullshit the world tells you that you need in order to be seen as attractive you reach a dangerous new level of freedom.  My locs may still be in the "ugly stage" in many peoples eyes, I don't do the beat face trend or any of the other silly shit that the world wants us to put our focus on but I feel more beautiful than I have ever felt in all my life. 

This journey has taught me self acceptance on a whole new level and I am very much so spiritually connected to my locs. They remind me of plants and nature, watching them grow and transform, watering them daily.  No one thinks anything of the tiny sprouts but everyone will enjoy the harvest. We are no different than anything else growing in nature.

Thank for following my journey and make sure to head over to my youtube channel for more frequent updates and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe.  My 3 month update will be up soon! My Loc Journey

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